"For 16 months I have been saying I want to be a mayor for all of Denver. Well, tonight I want to thank ALL of Denver.
I’m so thankful to be from a place that embraces a positive outlook, a shared vision of a positive and optimistic future for all of us.
Denver – I’m proud of our city. We have fought side-by-side through very tough times and today we stand ready for a bright future.
Today I am stronger than when I started this race. I’m no stranger to challenges. No one expected a poor kid from Northeast Denver to become a city councilman. And 16 months ago, no one gave us much of a chance to be standing here tonight.
Early in life, I learned that when you face tough times, you work as a team and you never give up.
I’m grateful, beyond words, for the opportunities I’ve had to lift myself up, and for the people who never gave up on me.
Our city holds great promise for ALL its people. With a vision of a better future, it is time we lift our city up on our shoulders and carry it forward.
I just spoke with Chris Romer and he’s offered me his congratulations and support. Chris and I agree we need to start right now to come together.
Now is the time for all of us to set aside our differences and come together to achieve our shared vision.
From DAY ONE - this race was never about the campaign, it was never about my life, it’s been about YOURS.
I heard you Denver. I’ve lived through the same struggles and faced the same challenges that so many families in our city deal with every day.
I hear you Denver. Together we have fought through two recessions – with steady leadership for all.
I will always hear you. I’ve been at your kitchen tables, at your rec centers, and your coffee shops. We have sat together for over a year now talking about the vision for our city.
You have helped me to see how we can strengthen our economy, lift up our schools, make our neighborhoods safer and unite every community in Denver.
Now its time for action. I’m ready to start work tomorrow with my First 100-Day Plan to propel our city forward.
When I was a boy, Mayor Pena asked us to imagine a great city.
Mayor Webb worked tirelessly to build a great city.
Mayor Hickenlooper put a great city on the world’s stage.
Now – together – It’s time to deliver a great city for all.
For every family
Every business
Every neighborhood
I am excited to bring this city together.
I am ready to fight to make sure every resident of Denver is not forgotten.
My resolve is steadfast and we are ready to take on our challenges.
We are all Denver - where no family, no business, and no neighborhood will be left behind.
But I cannot do this alone. I will need each and every one of you to commit every day to our city’s future the way you committed to this campaign.
So TONIGHT we celebrate our victory. Tomorrow is DAY ONE in our quest to move our city forward.
With our 100-Day Plan - created through roundtables and house chats with the people of Denver - we will begin our work now to -
Recruit new businesses and jobs to Denver.
Create the "Denver Education Compact.”
Deliver a balanced budget to the City Council by Sept. 1.
And begin to restore public trust in the Police Department.
We start tomorrow to engage our entire community as we movewith urgent resolve for Denver’s future.
We start tomorrow to find the best, the brightest, the most committed for our city and make sure every voice is at the table.
We start tomorrow to strengthen our economy, create jobs, and balance the budget – thoughtfully, fairly and wisely.
We start tomorrow to improve our schools in every neighborhood and give everyone a chance to succeed. A chance like I had when I was that young kid who wanted to be the first black Mayor of Denver.
Denver - We will move forward tomorrow but we will not forget how we got here today:
We worked tirelessly everyday. And we kept a positive vision for a great city."
Tonight we are celebrating a victory together, because you have worked so hard. I cannot fully express how grateful I am for your encouragement, generosity and the hardest-working volunteer effort this city has every seen!
There are four people here who sacrificed more than anyone to help me. My family – Mary, Alayna, Jordan and Janae. I love you. Thank you.
My strong and beautiful mother Scharlyne.
And to my entire family – you’re my foundation, my rock.
I also want to say thank you to former first lady Wilma Webb and former Mayor Wellington Webb.
And to former first lady Jeannie Ritter and former Governor Bill Ritter.
To former Speakers of the House Ruben Valdez and Terrance Carroll, former State Senator Paul Sandoval, former State Rep. Fran Coleman, and my colleagues on City Council including my good friend Paul Lopez who was our emcee for the evening.
As well as all of the city and state leaders who have stood with me in a time when they could have stood on the sidelines.
Thank you.
This campaign would not have made it this far without my campaign co-chairs Bruce James, Anita Henry andAnna Jo Haynes.
Nobody thought we would keep up in this race, but they underestimated our finance committee co-chairs Pat Hamill and Josh Widoff, as well as the ENTIRE finance committee.
AND I would not be standing here today without my AMAZING staff and the army of volunteers who never gave up.
Your hard work has charted a positive course for the city we all love.
16 months ago – we launched our campaign. We said we would run on a positive message and deliver on a vision to make a great city even greater.
Denver – tonight we have been given the chance to bring this city together and make Denver the envy of the nation.
I’m ready. I know you are ready. Tomorrow, we start the work of delivering a great city for all.
Thank you and God bless all of you – and God Bless Denver, Colorado.