I want to start by first apologizing for my English language and sentence flow. English is not my first language, but I will do my best and am confident Dustin, with the help of Yukiko will correct this entry to make the most sense.
As I said in the beginning, my name is Hiroyuki and I live and work in the great city of Osaka, Japan. The past few days are very dark days in the history of my country. I am newly married (4 years) and have a semi-new child, a 3 year old daughter named Yumi (I am very fond of her very much). I am a biggest fan of Japanese Soccer and I have a passion for old (vintage) German Cars. There is a reason why I am telling you about myself is relevant to this entry.
A few days before the disaster in Japan, life was typical; the news was covering the alarming issue of many elder Japanese and younger generations not having babies. Nothing to exciting, the typical news, nothing special.
Then the disaster hit. The first impression of the News World in Japan was one of mixed anxiety because it was real situation, real news. It was a time of uncertainty and many turned to the internet to find out and receive vital information. The internet is used by over 80% of the entire Japanese population. The cellular phone service was overwhelmed and basically collapsed.
The earth quake was bad, but the tsunami was very bad. This is where it gets difficult; the stories coming out were unreal, and hard to prepare for. A father with tears in his eyes, crying out to a city of rubble for his son. A mother who tried to hold on to her daughter for as long as she could, then had to give up, the waves swept her to the ocean.
These stories make me want to cry in sadness. I think of my daughter Yumi and can realize what life would be without her. I feel so sorry for those of my people who lost so much. I have come to conclusion that we in Japan like you in America have a passion for life. We want to be Soccer fans and we want hobbies like collecting photography of old German (vintage) Cars. When we think of this all being washed away it makes all of us feel very sad.
The day of the earth quake, before it hit, I was having a quarrel with my wife about my posters on the wall of old German (vintage) cars. She said I needed to grow up and take them down, I told her I like them and I want them to stay. Looking back in perspective, I can not believe that we spent our time fighting about such petty things. My wife agrees with me. Of course I did take down most of the posters. I have a bunch of wallpapers of German (vintage) cars on my desktop and I am happy with that.
Time will help heal Japan, meanwhile, I ask that you think of us and celebrate life in your country. Love you families and appreciate the things life brings you. Take time to enjoy the simple things and let the petty things go.